Income Tax (Land Intensification Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 deemed to have come into operation on 23 February 2010

14 February 2012

Regulation 2(1) of the Income Tax (Land Intensification Allowance) Regulations 2012 (G.N.  No. S 28/2012) is amended by deleting the words ‘‘more than 80%’’ in sub-paragraph (b) and substituting the words ‘‘at least 80%’’.

The wording of the Regulation now reads as:

Intensified use of land for trade or business

2.—(1) The construction or renovation of any building or structure on industrial land promotes the intensified use of the land for a trade or business for the purposes of section 18C(2) of the Act if, following the construction or renovation:

(a)  the building or structure meets the relevant gross plot ratio benchmark for the trade or business specified in the Schedule;  and

(b)  at least 80% of the total floor area of the building or structure is used by any one person or partnership for the trade or business.

The Regulations contain:

  • Qualifying conditions where the construction or renovation of any building or structure on industrial land is considered to be promoting the intensified use of the land for a trade or business for the purposes of section 18C(2) of the Act
  • Schedule of “Gross Plot Ratio Benchmark”.

Source: e-Gazette